CPT Code 87799

Data Updated for Q4 2018

CPT Code: 87799

Description: Infectious agent detection by nucleic acid (DNA or RNA), not otherwise specified; quantification, each organism

Status Code

Statutory Exclusion. These codes represent an item or service that is not in the statutory definition of “physician services” for fee schedule payment purposes. No RVUS or payment amounts are shown for these codes,

Global Days

The global concept does not apply to the code.

Medicare RUVs and Fees

Work RVU – 0.00
Malpractice RVU – 0.00
Facility RVU – 0.00
Non-Facility RVU – 0.00
Facility Total RVU – 0.00
Non-Facility Total RVU – 0.00

Medicare National Facility Total Payment – $0
Medicare National Non-Facility Total Payment – $0

Bundling Information


80500, 80502, 81400, 81401, 81402, 81403, 81404, 81405, 81406, 81407, 81408, 83890, 83891, 83892, 83893, 83894, 83896, 83897, 83898, 83900, 83901, 83902, 83907, 83908, 83909, 83912, 83913

Included In

0008U, 0010U, 0016U, 0017U, 0027U, 0028U, 0029U, 0030U, 0034U, 81105, 81106, 81107, 81108, 81109, 81110, 81111, 81112, 81120, 81121, 81161, 81162, 81170, 81175, 81176, 81200, 81201, 81202, 81203, 81205, 81206, 81207, 81208, 81209, 81210, 81211, 81212, 81213, 81214, 81215, 81216, 81217, 81218, 81219, 81220, 81221, 81222, 81223, 81224, 81225, 81226, 81227, 81228, 81229, 81230, 81231, 81232, 81235, 81238, 81240, 81241, 81242, 81243, 81244, 81245, 81246, 81247, 81248, 81249, 81250, 81251, 81252, 81253, 81254, 81255, 81256, 81257, 81258, 81259, 81260, 81261, 81262, 81263, 81264, 81265, 81266, 81267, 81268, 81269, 81270, 81272, 81273, 81275, 81276, 81280, 81281, 81282, 81283, 81287, 81288, 81290, 81291, 81292, 81293, 81294, 81295, 81296, 81297, 81298, 81299, 81300, 81301, 81302, 81303, 81304, 81310, 81311, 81313, 81314, 81315, 81316, 81317, 81318, 81319, 81321, 81322, 81323, 81324, 81325, 81326, 81327, 81328, 81330, 81331, 81332, 81334, 81335, 81340, 81341, 81342, 81346, 81350, 81355, 81361, 81362, 81363, 81364, 81370, 81371, 81372, 81373, 81374, 81375, 81376, 81377, 81378, 81379, 81380, 81381, 81382, 81383, 87253

Mutually Exclusive

87149, 87150, 87153, 87797, 87798, 87807

If you get stuck finding the right Code, take a look at our 5 Ways to Find the Most Appropriate CPT Code.

Related CPT Codes

CPT Code Description
87797 Infectious agent detection by nucleic acid (DNA or RNA), not otherwise specified; direct probe technique, each organism
87797 Infectious agent detection by nucleic acid (DNA or RNA), not otherwise specified; direct probe technique, each organism
87798 Infectious agent detection by nucleic acid (DNA or RNA), not otherwise specified; amplified probe technique, each organism
87799 Infectious agent detection by nucleic acid (DNA or RNA), not otherwise specified; quantification, each organism

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Scott Painter has extensive experience with medical coding information. He is one of the original developers of CodingToday.com and continues to be responsible for all the development, data acquisition and quality control. He believes that correct coding and documentation is one of the cornerstones of quality patient care. His mission is simple: using technology and data to help physicians and staff maximize their reimbursement and save time and money.